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Saved by the Vibe #5: Unicorn Wand
Oct 15, 2021
School’s out for summer… allegedly! I haven’t attended school in years and haven’t perceived time through the lens of semesters since it was last required of me to do so, and to be honest? I secretly believe the “school year” is some kind of Mandela effect. We start the school …
Saved by the Vibe #1: Grand Bullet
Oct 15, 2021
Yearbook superlatives are as American as apple pie. And kind of like the most famous American apple pie of all, we think superlatives are best when used for masturbation. (Do people even understand that reference anymore?) Each month we’re choosing our standout star, the very “best” or “most” or “est” …
Can You Have Sex on Your Period?
Jan 03, 2024
Period sex tends to be a hot topic. There are those who love it and can’t get enough of it, then there’s the opposing group who cringes at merely the thought of it. While period sex probably isn’t something you want to engage in if you’re not a fan of …
How to Activate Your Sacral Chakra
Jan 03, 2024
If you grew up adjacent to any religious institution, you were either completely enthralled with the idea of sex because it sounded so off-limits or put off by it, thanks to the bullshit lessons the church taught you. I am absolutely the first example (my partner, the latter), and now, …
Stonewall, Stormé, and Those Who Rebelled for Our Rights
Jun 21, 2022
We all know the story – kinda. The Stonewall Riots popped off and the rest is history, right? With our Marsha shirts and our Sylvia quotes, we continue to hold the torch in our online fingers – and the pride in our hearts – for the way our elders fought …
How Does Mercury Retrograde Impact My Period and Pleasure?
Jan 03, 2024
Don’t let getting your period during Mercury Retrograde ruin your energy. Learn how to hone your pleasure and stoke your stamina as holistic sex coach and guide, Portia Brown walks us through how to take back our bodies while they, and the stars, seem to be against us. Mercury retrograde …
Masturbation Gift-Busting: How to Gift A Sex Toy
Jan 03, 2024
Gift giving is a wonderful way to share your affection for someone. Whether it’s giving season, a birthday, or just because, a sex toy can be a great gift for someone in your life. However, we must remember that we do live in a society where sex is complicated. Some …
Sex Toys for Trans Women Pleasure
Oct 17, 2023
The following article is written by a pre-op Trans Woman. The experiences and information, as well as recommendations presented here, may not appeal to every person of transgender experience out there, nor do we claim that we are go-to-experts on sexual health. Please proceed with an open mind as well …
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