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Self Care

What is Vaginal Mapping?
Oct 04, 2023
If you have never heard of the term vaginal mapping, then your mind might wander off to a place where maps look like vaginas and vaginas look like maps — dare to dream! Vaginal mapping is, in the simplest definition, the exploration and familiarizing oneself with their vagina. In doing …
What is Tantric Sex?
Jan 03, 2024
What is Tantric Sex?
Jan 03, 2024
There are a lot of myths surrounding what tantric sex looks and feels like. Ever since singer Sting said in an interview some 20 years ago that he and his wife have seven-hour-long tantric sex sessions, people have been scratching their heads. Seven hours? But the confusion likely comes from …
How to Activate Your Sacral Chakra
Jan 03, 2024
If you grew up adjacent to any religious institution, you were either completely enthralled with the idea of sex because it sounded so off-limits or put off by it, thanks to the bullshit lessons the church taught you. I am absolutely the first example (my partner, the latter), and now, …
How Does Mercury Retrograde Impact My Period and Pleasure?
Jan 03, 2024
Don’t let getting your period during Mercury Retrograde ruin your energy. Learn how to hone your pleasure and stoke your stamina as holistic sex coach and guide, Portia Brown walks us through how to take back our bodies while they, and the stars, seem to be against us. Mercury retrograde …
Masturbation Pleasure in Every Room
Jul 27, 2022
Your home should be a palace of pleasure where you focus on what gets you off with pleasure for the body and mind in your sex space. What do I mean by sex space? Simply put, it’s the space where you typically prefer to have sex in your home. You …
Stepping Into Your Sexual Power Zone
Jul 15, 2024
This month is all about stepping into, what we like to call, your sexual power zone.
8 Masturbation Techniques Your Vulva Needs Right Now!
Sep 28, 2021
Sex date with yourself? Yes, please! No one knows your body like you, and that can make masturbation one of the most intimate and stimulating acts you can do with yourself. Masturbation Benefits Masturbation goes beyond orgasm by being an important act for self-exploration and body confidence and provides many …
Your Guide to Endless Love through Self Care
Jul 15, 2024
Ugh! Some of us have entered into stress zone 2.0 and we’re tired, overworked, frustrated and just ain’t feeling it. So, what can we do to get out of this funk? How about a little self-care to get you through the day? Self-care is anything that you do to improve …
Finding Pleasure During Illness
Mar 09, 2021
There are two things on my nightstand: a bottle of synthetic thyroid hormone and a vibrator. I figure, if my apartment starts on fire in the middle of the night I can scoop them up on my way out the door and onto the fire escape. They’re the two things …
Remix Your Sex Toy Drawer
Mar 09, 2021
July is usually a time for barbecues, vacations, and beach trips. But for many of us, this summer is hitting differently ass we’re practicing social distancing and staying at home as much as we can. By now, many of us have been well-practiced in staying at home and getting the …
The Role of Community in Healing from Sexual Trauma
Sep 19, 2023
For many people, the word “survivor” conjures up an image of a lone person, strongly and confidently moving past the things that harmed them. That image might make for good cinematic imagery, but in reality, survivorship is something that is rarely achieved alone. Recovery — whether from addiction, an eating …
Home Masturbation Tips: 5 Unusual Ways to Pleasure Yourself
Nov 13, 2023
Listen, for whatever reason, you might be going completely bonkers right now being cooped up inside. And, hey, we GET IT. Staying inside is wretched and depletes our vitamin D (pun intended, because sorry it’s rough out there). We need something to lift our spirits that don’t involve getting a …
6 Aphrodisiac Foods that Make You Feel Sexy
Jun 18, 2021
When it comes to improving sex drive, people are constantly searching for aphrodisiacs. From making money to drugs to food, the world has long lusted for a fix-all solution to sex drive. Today we’re looking at the latter of these, aphrodisiac foods – what they are, how they work, and …
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